Reserve a quarter, half, or full 'share'
Quarter 'share'
Price is: $9.95 per lb you take home to your freezer. NOT BASED ON HANGING WEIGHT.
Choose grassfed/grass finished or Grassfed/GRAIN finished (more marbling).
The two types of beef are the same price per lb but grassfed/grain finish yields more lbs per quarter ‘share.’ Please reach out with any questions. Thank you!
Half 'share'
Price is: $9.75 per lb you take home to freezer. NOT BASED ON HANGING WEIGHT.
Choose grassfed/grass finished or grassfed/GRAIN finished (more marbling).
The two types are the same price but the grassfed/grain finish yields more lbs per half ‘share.’ Please reach out with any questions.
Full 'share'
Price is: $9.65 per lb you take home to your freezer. NOT BASED ON HANGING WEIGHT.
Choose grassfed/grass finished or grassfed/GRAIN finished (more marbling).
The two types are the same price but the grassfed/grain finish yields more lbs per full ‘share.’ Please reach out with any questions.